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网址:www.lizhu.au08.cn  2021-10-26  作者:admin    阅读:

钢丝网立柱模板的类别作用从形态上区分,主要体现在高度的差别,根据可用型立柱模具显示,两种规格是使用比较多的,分别是2.2米*12*12cm以及2.5米*12*12的,主要区别在于内部孔的设置,前者有三个孔,后者则有四个。其中内部字间距以及字体大小都有明确的区分。尽管两种铁丝网立柱模具相差30公分,但是价格基本都一样。高铁或者高速使用的铁丝网立柱模具的类别作用是根据厂家的实际生产经验得出来的,铁丝网立柱模具的具体类别就是型号区分以及铜钟 一次性止血带 标志桩模具 钢丝轮 流水槽模具 防撞墙模具 检查井钢模具 不锈钢铸件 模锻件开孔的区别,而立柱的作用是防护,保护行人,动物等。
The category and function of steel wire mesh column formwork are distinguished in form, mainly reflected in the difference in height. According to the available column molds, the two specifications are used more, which are 2.2m * 12 * 12cm and 2.5m * 12 * 12 respectively. The main difference lies in the setting of internal holes. The former has three holes and the latter has four. The internal word spacing and font size are clearly distinguished. Although the difference between the two kinds of wire mesh column molds is 30 cm, the prices are basically the same. The category and function of wire mesh column mould used by high-speed railway or high-speed railway are obtained according to the actual production experience of the manufacturer. The specific category of wire mesh column mould is the difference between model and opening, and the function of column is to protect pedestrians and animals.

